Winner Best Milliner Clifton Cup
We’re here at the Clifton Cup with the Best Millinery winner.
Q: First of all, can I start with your name, please?
A: My name’s Rhiannon Grace Thomas.
Q: And can you tell us a little bit about your millinery today?
A: So, I’m originally from Allora, and this piece has been made by Marjoribanks Millinery in Toowoomba. She’s based in Highfields, so makes a lot of headpieces for the local community.
Q: And putting the whole outfit together, when did the thought process start?
A: About four months ago, I’d say.
A: Quite a while. I’ve just graduated from university, so I was very excited to get out and put a piece together with my first pay packet, you could say.
Q: Fantastic. Great, well, congratulations on your win today here, and all the best for the rest of the afternoon.
A: Thank you, have a good day.