Ravishing officially launched its 2023 Fashion Show.

Saturday the 1st July saw the RF team launch their fashion event at Fineprintco, an art gallery with an array of wall art set in the Brickworks Southport on the Gold Coast.

Show Date: Sat, 15 July 2023 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM Queen Street Mall Queen Street Brisbane City, QLD 4000

Concept Creator & Director Upma Kite and her team, with a gathering of fashionistas and guests, enjoyed an afternoon of drinks and networking.

Catching up with acquaintances and making new ones during the afternoon.

Upma and her team took the time to address the adoring fashionistas to give them an inside look at what they may see at the upcoming event and gave this visionary diva a chance to thank her team.

The red-carpet event was an opportunity for everyone to come together before the real work starts for what will be RFs fourth fashion event.

The size of RF has grown since her first event in 2019, and her team members have multiplied. For a successful event, one must have a reliable team to ensure all goes well, not just on the night but from day one to the end.

What’s RF all about?

Visionary Diva Kite, with her extensive modelling and beauty pageant experience, saw a need to open the doors for those that may not meet the requirements of modelling agents or felt they did not belong within the industry—an opportunity to help or inspire those to step out of their comfort zone.

Ravishing Fashionistas breaking through the barriers and allowing all to have a chance to walk a fashion runway with all the glitz and glamour that comes with such a journey.

All with the guidance of Upma and her team for first time, walking a fashion runway comes with a lot of courage and, for some, a hurdle to conquer.

Alongside some of the first-time runway, people will be seasoned models that have, for now, chosen to become amateur models or full-time in a chance of landing that big-time contract.

RF shows that all can work hand in hand, helping each other along the way.

RF donates part of its profits to National Breast Cancer Foundation, Cancer Council, UN Women Committee Australia, and Dignifying Women.

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